Email Reputation Score: What It Is and How to Improve It

email reputation

Email Reputation Score: What It Is and How to Improve It

Ever wondered why some emails land perfectly in your inbox while others mysteriously vanish into the dreaded spam folder? The answer often lies in something called your email reputation score. This score is a crucial metric that determines whether your emails make it to their intended recipients or get lost in cyberspace. 

In this blog, we’ll explore what a reputation score in emails is, why it matters, and how you can improve it to ensure your emails reach your audience.

What Is an Email Reputation Score?

Your email reputation is essentially your email sender’s credit score. It reflects how trustworthy you are in the eyes of internet service providers (ISPs) and email providers. A high score indicates that you’re a reputable sender, while a low score could mean your emails are more likely to be flagged as spam.

Several factors influence your reputation score, including:

  • Bounce Rate: How many of your emails bounce back as undeliverable?
  • Spam Complaints: How often do recipients mark your emails as spam?
  • Engagement Rates: How frequently do recipients open, click, or interact with your emails?
  • Blacklist Status: Are you on any email blacklists?

Factors Influencing Email Reputation Score 
bounce rate,
spam complaints,
engagement rates

Why Is It Important?

Email reputation directly impacts your email deliverability—the percentage of emails that reach your recipients’ inboxes. Even if your content is top-notch, a poor reputation score can prevent your messages from ever being seen. 

In fact, 95% of emails with poor reputation scores end up in spam.

A good score can lead to:

  • Higher Deliverability: More of your emails will reach their intended recipients.
  • Improved Engagement: A higher percentage of recipients will open and interact with your emails.
  • Better ROI: With more emails reaching the inbox, your email marketing campaigns will generate better returns.

high email reputation score can lead to higher deliverability,
improved engagement,
better roi,

How to Improve Your Email Reputation Score

Improving your score isn’t rocket science, but it does require a strategic approach. Here are some actionable tips to help you get started:

1. Maintain a Clean Email List

  • Clean up your email list on a regular basis, removing inactive or invalid addresses.
  • Use double opt-in methods to ensure that recipients genuinely want to receive your emails.

2. Monitor Your Bounce Rate

  • Keep your bounce rate below 2%. High bounce rates can severely damage your reputation score.
  • Use email verification tools to ensure that email addresses are valid before sending out campaigns.

3. Reduce Spam Complaints

  • Allow recipients to unsubscribe easily rather than mark your email as spam.
  • Make sure your emails are relevant and helpful to your target audience.

4. Increase Engagement Rates

  • Create a more engaging email experience by personalizing them.
  • Segment your audience to send content that is more pertinent and targeted.

5. Avoid Blacklists

  • Frequently verify whether your IP address or domain is included on any email blacklists.
  • If you find yourself on a blacklist, take immediate steps to get delisted.

6. Use a Reputable Email Service Provider

  • Selecting an email service provider (ESP) with a solid track record of email delivery is important.
  • Your own email deliverability may be impacted by the reputation of your ESP.

Tips to improve email reputation score email list,
bounce rate,
spam complaints,
engagement rates,
emails service providers


Email reputation score is a vital part of your email marketing success. By taking steps to improve and monitor your score, you can ensure that your emails reach their intended recipients, driving better engagement and ROI.

However, managing the sender’s reputation doesn’t have to be overwhelming. With tools like BuyersFlow, you can automate your email marketing and ensure that your campaigns are optimized for deliverability and engagement. Start leveraging BuyersFlow today to take your email reputation—and your marketing success—to the next level.

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